The folks at Mozilla have released the first public build of Firefox for Google Android. The browser is code-named Fennec, and while it’s been available for Maemo and Windows Mobile-based devices for a while, the closest Android users have gotten to a working version of Fennec up until now was a pre-release version compiled by someone who had no relationship to Mozilla.
But now Mozilla has officially launched a pre-Alpha version of Fennec for Android. This is still a very early version. It’s known to crash and lock up devices (although nothing that can’t be fixed with a reboot). It requires Android 2.0 or newer to run and has only been tested on the Motorola Droid and Google Nexus One. And it’s a bit of a memory hog. But it’s Firefox. On Android.
One of the coolest features is support for plugins. And one of the coolest plugins currently available is an experimental version of Mozilla Weave, which allows you to sync your bookmarks, history, and open browser tabs between the desktop and mobile versions of Firefox.
I wouldn’t recommend replacing your default browser with Fennec just yet. But if you want to get a taste of Firefox for Android, you can try out the pre-Alpha release by hitting the download link from Vladimir Vuki?evi?’s blog. You can find more screenshots at Vlad’s blog, and check out a few photos I snapped after the break.
via Android And Me
Any idea how it compares to Opera Mini?
Any idea how it compares to Opera Mini?