It’s been almost a month since we saw the first hack allowing you to overclock a Palm Pre smartphone to run at 800MHz instead of the standard speed of 500MHz. But the folks who brought us that first hacked kernel haven’t been resting on their laurels. There are now tools that make it a lot easier to overclock the Palm Pre to run at 550MHz, 600MHz, 720MHz, or 800MHz just by tapping a button.

Installing the Super PreKernel still takes a bit of work, but the developers have released step by step instructions. Once the hacked kernel is installed though, there’s a new app called Govnah that makes switching clock speeds as simple as launching the app and pressing a button. So if you need a bit of extra speed while playing a game or performing some other CPU-intensive task, you can overclock the phone and then switch back to the standard 500MHz mode to preserve battery life when you’re done.

Keep in mind, installing a hacked kernel and overclocking your phone will void your warranty. So while there haven’t been any widespread reports of Super PreKernel bricking any phones, don’t expect Palm or your wireless carrier to fix things if you do run into problems.

You can check out a video of Super PreKernel in action after the break.

via PreCentral

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...

One reply on “Super PreKernel makes overclocking a Palm Pre easier”

  1. The app that llows you to scale frequencies from lower to high was misnamed. It is called Cpu Scaler Ultimate 2.1 (Number1Pete) and works in combination with any kernel.

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