When you tap and hold the Home button on an Android phone, a list of the 6 most recent apps you’ve run on your device will pop up, whether they’re currently running or not. This utility can function like a task switcher — but only if the app you want to switch to is one of the last 6 that you opened.

MoreRecent is a third party tool that basically does the same thing. But as the name suggests, it shows more recent apps. In fact, it will show up to 15 recent apps.

Because there’s no easy way to map a program to the Home button, you trigger MoreRecent by pressing and holding the Search button. The first time you run the program, you’ll be asked if you want to complete the action with MoreRecent or Voice Search, if your phone supports Voice Search. If you decide you really like MoreRecent, you can check the “use by default for this action” button so that every time you hit the Search button, MoreRecent will pop up.

You can also launch MoreRecent by simply pressing the program icon.

MoreRecent isn’t available from the Android Market. In order to install the application, just download the APK file, copy it to your phone’s SD card, and then use a file explorer like ASTRO or EStrongs to find MoreRecent.apk and tap it. You can also use Apps Installer to automatically scan your SD card for installable files.

via xda-developers

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...