We’ve seen hackers port the classic first person shooter Doom to run on all sorts of hardware over the years. It can run on an iPod, smartphones, and of course, video game consoles. But if Doom is a little too primitive for your tastes, how about a little Quake 3 action?

A few months ago Quake 3 was modified to run on Android devices such as the Motorola Droid with Google Android. Now there’s a new version out that’s optimized for the Google Nexus One.

There is a little problem: Quake kind of wants you to have a keyboard, while the Nexus One lacks a physical keyboard. So the developers wrote a version that can use the trackball and volume buttons to control the game. If you’re adventurous — and don’t mind carrying around a game controller that’s bigger than your phone — you can also try pairing a Nintendo Wiimote with your phone over Bluetooth.

In order to run the game on a Nexus One, you’re going to want to grab the kwaak3_test_v11c.apk file from the download page. It should support the phone’s hardware, and members of the xda-developers forum say that it runs smoothly on the Nexus One while earlier versions are sluggish. And keep in mind, you’ll need a Quake 3 CD in order to play, since you have to copy files from the CD to your SD card for the game to run.

You can check out a video of Quake 3 on the Nexus One after the break.

via Android Community

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...