There are plenty of companies that make apps that let you view and edit Office documents on mobile devices. SoftMaker is one of them… but SoftMaker Office is a lot more than just a mobile editor for Office docs. It’ s a full fledged office suite in its own right, and in addition to the Windows Mobile version, SoftMaker offers a desktop version of its software for Windows or Linux.
SoftMaker Office 2010 beta was released this week, and it includes a number of new feautres including support for Microosft Office Word 2010 files. You can even access password protected Office files.
The latest version also adds support for document tabs, making it easier to open multiple docs and keep them organized on a small screen device. There’s also improved PDF export functionality and an improved spell checker.
SoftMaker Office 2010 includes a word processor, presentation app, and spreadsheet app. The office suite is free while in beta. That’s the good news. The less good news is that SoftMaker typically charges around $90 for a full license for its Windows Mobile software, so once the beta ends you’ll probably have to come up with a bit of cash if you want to keep using the office suite.
Update: SoftMaker Office 2010 is now available for purchase for about $80.
Hmm, the software looks great… Way too expensive since there's an online version of office 2k10, and it wouldn't be all that hard to port over support using silverlight to embed enhanced functionality, so I'm not sure it's worth $90. But awesome.