SBSH PhoneWeaver is an app that lets you create profiles for your phone and trigger them automatically or manually. What do I mean by profiles? Basically you can create a profile called business mode, and when your phone sees that you’ve got a meeting scheduled on your calendar, it will automatically put your phone on vibrate.

Or you can create a profile so that every time your phone is plugged into a car dock, it will automatically turn on GPS and pull up the Google Maps application.
If you still don’t get it, check out the video after the break for more examples of how profiles can help you automate certain tasks on your phone, saving you time, preventing you from forgetting to turn ringtones on and off, or helping with other tasks.
PhoneWeaver has been available for Windows Mobile phones for a while, but SBSH recently launched the first Google Android version. It’s available for purchase from the Android Market for $6.99, which is less than half the price of the Windows Mobile version.