Sprint customers with Palm Pre and Pixi phones are starting to report that the carrier is pushing out a minor software update. WebOS 1.4.5 doesn’t include any major new features, but it does have a number of tweaks, bug fixes, and other updates, including:
- Web podcasts should now download correctly
- Power use and battery optimization
- Send video via multimedia messaging fromt he video app
- Video trim feautre now works to send in a message
- SprintTV upgrade with enhanced parental controls
- Correct entry of text on the web
- Security updates
Pixi users will also now be able to run games and apps developed using the WebOS PDK.
It sounds like not all users experienced problems entering text or download podcasts all the time, but the update should address issues that were causing those errors under some conditions.
There’s no word on when WebOS 1.4.5 will be available for Verizon or AT&T customers.
via PreCentral