LastPass is an excellent cloud-based password manager. You can use the service to remember all of your browser passwords as well as to generate secure passwords for new sites. The basic service is free and works with Windows, Mac, and Linux and browsers including Internet Explorer, firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome. There’s a free browser add-on that will automatically fill in your passwords for you, or you can simply visit the LastPass web site to access your data from any computer.
The company also offers a premium service for $12 per year which lets you access your LastPass information on mobile devices.
There are Lastpass Premium apps for iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows Mobile, and Blackberry. But the one thing that’s kept me from trying the Android app is the fact that it includes its own built-in web browser. In other words, you get access to all of your passwords and auto-logins for a dollar a month, but you have to use the LastPass browser instead of the default Android browser.

But last week LastPass launched a new plug-in for Dolphin Browser HD, which lets you get all the features of LastPass while using one of the best third party web browsers available for Android.
In addition to plugins, Dolphin Browser HD supports tabbed browsing, saving bookmarks to your SD card, and gesture-based commands.
I took the plugin for a spin this morning, and it works beautifully. I visited half a dozen web sites that I’d already entered login information for using my desktop browser but not Dolphin Browser HD, and each time the login information was automatically filled in for me.
There’s a 2 week free trial for all LastPass mobile apps if you want to give the service a try without ponying up any cash.
LastPass for Dolphin HD is available as a free download from the Android Market, as is the LastPass Premium app with its own integrated browser.
Nice to hear, but what’s preventing LastPass from integrating with the native Android browser?