AppBrain has launched an updated version of its Android app which includes a landscape mode, a new optional dark theme, and oh yeah, it lets you uninstall apps from the AppBrain web site.

The AppBrain service already lets you install apps from the web. Just create an AppBrain account, install the mobile app plus the Fast Web Installer app, and search the AppBrain web site for games, utilities, multimedia software… just about any type of app. Click the install button and your phone automatically downloads and installs the app.
Up until now, uninstalling apps was much trickier. You either had to manually go through your phone’s settings to remove an app, or click the uninstall button on the web site then manually synchronize your phone by pressing a button on your mobile device and then removing apps one by one.
Now with the latest version of AppBrain, uninstalling is almost as easy. Just fire up the AppBrain web site on your desktop browser, look at the list of apps already installed on your phone, and when you click the uninstall button next to any app, an uninstall dialog will instantly open on your phone. You still have to click the OK button, but the new uninstall feature definitely makes things simpler — and makes AppBrain a bit more of a full service app management tool.