Yahoo recently released a new version of its Messenger app for iPhone with support for video calls, along with a promise that an Android versionw as on its way. While the Android app hasn’t officially been launched yet, it will apparently come preloaded on the upcoming T-Mobile myTouch 4G smartphone… and since some hackers have already managed to extract the firmware from that phone, a member of the xda-developers forum took the next logical step and figured out how to get the installer file for the new version of the Yahoo Messenger app.

You can download the app from the xda-developers forum. Bear in mind, this is a leaked build that was designed for a specific phone — which probably isn’t your phone. So don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work properly on your device. If your phone doesn’t have a front facing camera, video chat may also be of limited user.

That said, the app reportedly works on the HTC Evo 4G which does have a front-facing camera. It supports audio and video calls and works over WiFi or 3G.

via Android Central

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...

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