Google has released a new app for Google Android called YouTube Remote. As you might have guessed from the name, it’s a remote control for YouTube… or to be more specific, it’s a remote control for YouTube Leanback, the full-screen version of YouTube Google launched recently for media center computers and Google TV devices.

Here’s how it works. You fire up the mobile app on your Android phone and login with your YouTube credentials. Then login to YouTube Leanback on your computer or Google TV. Your phone will automatically connect and you can start browsing or searching for videos on your phone and play them on the big screen with a single tap.
You also get the usual media controller buttons including pause, fast forward, rewind, previous and next track buttons.
I took YouTube Remote for a test spin, and it works pretty much exactly as promised. You can check out my short video of the app in action after the break.
YouTube Remote is available as a free download from the Android Market. Unfortunately it’s only available in the US for now, but Google promises that the app will be available internationally soon.