The Skyfire mobile web browser will soon be available for download from the iTunes App Store. The browser, which is also available for Android, Windows Mobile, and Symbian uses remote server compression to speed up your web browsing sessions. But one of the key features that makes Skyfire stand out is the fact that it converts Adobe Flash to HTML5 in real-time and sends it to your mobile device, thus allowing you to watch some Flash videos on a device that doesn’t normally support Flash… like say, the iPhone.
Skyfire doesn’t support all Flash-based content. You won’t be able to play Flash games, for instance. And some web videos won’t play properly. Hulu completely blocks the app.
Still, if you want Flash on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, Skyfire may be the easiest way to get it there.
The browser also has a few other features which set it apart from mobile Safari, including the option to change your user agent in order to view pages in desktop or mobile mode, a private browsing option, a media bar for finding related media, and integration with Facebook and Twitter for sharing web pages with your contacts.
Skyfire for iOS is expected to go live in the App store on Thursday. You’ll be able to purchase the app for $2.99… which is about $3 more than the app costs for Windows Mobile, Android, or Symbian.
You can check out a demo video after the break.
via Apple Insider and CNN Money
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