A few months ago StumbleUpon launched mobile apps for iOS and Google Android that bring the same sort of discovery engine to mobile that the company has been providing for desktop browsers for years. Click a button and a not-quite-random web site will pop up. Give the site a thumbs up or down and StumbleUpon will adjust its recommendations to your preferences.

Now StumbleUpon has released an updated mobile app which offers the same sort of discovery tools for Android apps.
At the top of each listing you’ll find the name, icon, and rating for an app, followed by an install button which you can click to install the app from the Android Market. That’s followed by a description of the app and a few screenshots.
You can also click an Info buttons to see how many StumbleUpon users have viewed an app, read user reviews, and see which users liked it. You can also write your own reviews or share an app link over StumbleUpon, email, Facebook, or other services.
StumbleUpon could be a great way to discover new apps that match your interests. Right now the app is still in beta and I wasn’t thrilled with many of the recommendations, but it definitely has promise.
StumbleUpon for Android is available as a free download from the Android Market.
via GigaOm