Kobo has rolled out an updated version of its mobile eBook app for iPhone and iPod touch. While the update doesn’t bring all the social features that are in the latest iPad version of the Kobo Reader app, you can now login to your Facebook account to share passages via Facebook either by posting them to your wall or setting your Facebook status.

Kobo 4.1 for iOS also adds support for Instapaper on the iPad, iPod touch and iPhone. This lets you sign into your Instapaper acount and synchronize and read content on your mobile device.

Instapaper is a service that lets you bookmark any web site using a desktop browser so that you can read it later on a computer, iOS device or Amazon Kindle or other supported eBook reader.

Kobo 4.1 is available as a free download from the Android Market.

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...