Virtual Recorder is a voice recorder with a rather ugly user interface, but a very attractive set of features. Basically, hit the red button to start a recording and the blue stop button to finish. You can play the most recent recording by hitting the green play/pause button, and find earlier recordings using the yellow “open” button.

But once you get through the basic functions, the fun begins. There’ s a digital pitch-shifting dial at the top of the screen which you can use to make yourself sound like a mouse or a monster, depending on the direction you drag it in. Reducing the pitch by a few seconds also serves to slow down playback, which could come in handy if you’re trying to transcribe an interview.
The app also lets you hit a reverse button to start playing the recording backwards — just in case you want to see if you hid any interesting messages in your note to yourself.
Virtual Recorder also offers a recording preamp, an auto limiter, and a volume meter you can use to monitor your recording volume.
From the Open dialog, you can long-press on any file to delete or rename the recording. You can also send files over email, export them as ringtones, or use the FreeMP3Droid app to convert files from PCM/WAV to MP3.
Virtual Recorder is available as a free, ad-supported download from the Android Market. If you want to eliminate the ads, you can buy the “donate” version for $2.73.
Visual interface is confusing, cluttered and small.