The developer who brought us the first tool for synchronizing an iPhone with iTunes over a WiFi connection last year has released the public beta of Wi-Fi Sync 2.0 for Mac users. So what’s new in this beta? The biggest change will be support for synchronization over 3G as well as WiFi connections, but right now that feature is only available for a small group of testers.
Still, if you want to check out the latest app, here’s what you need to know. First, you’ll need to jailbreak your phone to use the app. The desktop client currently only supports Mac, not Windows, and you’ll need to uninstall version 1.1 of the Mac software before running Wi-Fi Sync 2.0 beta.
The iPhone 2G isn’t supported, nor is iOS 3.0. You’ll also need to make sure the app is running on your Mac before iTunes launches. Finally, you can only test Wi-Fi Sync 2.0 beta if you’ve already purchased version 1.1 from the Cydia Store for $9.99.
If you’re cool with those restrictions, and with testing beta software, you can find more details at the Wi-Fi Sync web site.