Apple iOS devices don’t support Adobe Flash. But Adobe wants developers to use Flash to write apps for the web as well as mobile apps for Android and other platforms that can support the technology. So Adobe has been coming up with ways for developers to convert Flash apps into iPhone-friendly formats. The latest tool is called Wallaby and it can convert Flash apps to HTML5.

Adobe launched a preview release of Wallaby today. While this isn’t the first tool Adobe has made that lets Flash developers get their apps onto the iPhone, it has a key advantage over earlier tools. Instead of converting Flash apps into native iOS apps which Apple can reject from the App Store, Wallaby creates HTML5 web apps that anyone can access using an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad web browser.

Ad Download Squad notes, right now the preview release doesn’t do much just yet. It converts some Flash elements into HTML and creates some JavaScript code to handle animation. But not all Flash elements can be 100% converted with the tool just yet.

via InfoWorld

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...