Filemaker has launched new versions of its Bento apps for iPhone and iPad. Bento is an app for managing small business information. It lets you manage contracts, track projects and plan events.
The update adds a number of new features including the ability to record voice memos into media fields on your iOS devices. These voice memos can then be tied up to your records making the app useful for capturing event proceedings, logging meetings for later review and capturing notes without typing.
Using Bento for the first time is very easy. The app has default item categories which you can either edit to reflect your information or add new item categories and add new items after. You can also start with a clean slate by deleting all the existing item categories. Overall, the app’s interface is very straightforward and I’m pretty sure even novice users will not have a hard time using Bento.
Other new features of include:
- multitasking
- high resolution icons
- PDF printing
- landscape mode
- full screen viewing
- more localized versions for other languages
- special synchronization feature with Bento 4 for Mac
- and support for iPhone 4 retina display
I recently installed the app on my iPad and iPhone 4. I’m a very disorganized person so I didn’t really find the need for this app. But when I tried both app on my iPhone and iPad, I was completely blown away by how intuitive its user interface. I’m looking forward to using the app more in the coming days and hopefully it will help me make my life more organized.
Bento app is available from the iTunes App Store for [itunes link=”″ title=”Bento” text=”iPhone”] and iPad for $4.99. Also to maximize the app’s features and make it even more helpful, it would be good if you will use it together with Bento 4 for Mac. The app is available from the Mac App Store for $49.99.