The [itunes link=”″ title=”Bluefire Reader” text=”Bluefire Reader “]eBook app for iOS was one of the first mobile apps to support public library books using Adobe DRM. The app supports ePub and PDF formats and also features an integrated book store for purchasing digital books. Now the developers have started to show off an Android version of the app.

Like the iPhone and iPad version, Bluefire for Android will support library books as well as purchased titles.

The app features all the usual bells and whistles including the ability to resize fonts, adjust screen brightness, create bookmarks, and view information about books in your library.

The folks at eBook News in Germany got a chance to check out a pre-release copy running on the Samsung Galaxy Tab. The version they tested is a rebranded version of Bluefire called Libri. You can check out a hands-on video after the break.

via eBookNewser

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...

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