Rooting an Android phone gives you deeper access to the operating system, allowing you to change system files and settings and install applications that integrated tightly with the operating system. That includes apps that clean your cache, allow you to take screenshots, or change the look and feel of the phone, among other things. You can also install custom firmware such as CyanogenMod as an alternative to the software provided by your phone maker.
But not all phones are created equal when it comes to rooting. Some device makers have designed their phones and other Android devices to make it difficult to modify the boot partition or make other changes necessary to root your phone or install custom ROMs.
The folks at Unrevoked make one of the most popular tools for rooting Android smartphones. Now the team has put together a list of Android phones and tablets which are root-friendly, as well as devices that are difficult or impossible to root at the moment.
A couple of the phones and tablets on the list including the Google Nexus One and Nexus S and Motorola XOOM are actually designed by the manufacturer to allow root access. Others, such as the Dell Streak line of phones/tablets, the Samsung Galaxy S, and Barnes & Noble NOOKcolor may not officially support rooting, but the community has found them easy to hack.
Unforutnately there are some devices such as most Motorola Android phones, as well as some HTC and Sony Ericsson models that have signed boot partitions that can’t be replaced.
If you’re thinking of picking up a new phone and rooting it, you should check out Unrevoked’s complete list for more details.
via Hacker News