Kobo provides eBook readers for iPhone, BlackBerry, webOS, and Android, allowing you to download paid or free eBooks and read them on a wide range of devices. The company has also been offering social features for the iPhone and iPad letting you unlock awards as you read and share your achievements with your friends. Now the company is bringing its “Reading Life” social features to Android phones and tablets with Kobo 3.0 for Android.

For instance, you unlock your first award just for installing the app and clicking the Reading Life Tab, but there are also awards for starting a new book, finishing a book, or taking notes in a book. More advanced awards including The Twain Award for reading everyday for two weeks or the Witching Hour award for reading after midnight.

The Android app doesn’t yet have all the Reading Life features available for iOS. You can’t yet synchronize your reading statistics with other Kobo devices, and you don’t get the pretty charts showing your reading stats and habits, but both of those features are in the works.

Kobo 3.0 for Android is available as a free download from the Android Market.


Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...