When ESPN launched the watchESPN app for iOS last month, the app was only available for the iPhone and iPod touch. Now the sports network has launched an updated version which adds support for the Apple iPad.
The iPad version features a redesigned user interface for the larger screen… and that’s about it for the differences.
Like watchESPN 1.1, version 1.0 brings you live feeds of selected content from ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3, and ESPNU. While[itunes link=”http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/watchespn/id429009175?mt=8&uo=4″ title=”watchespn” text=” the app is free”], you’ll need to be a subscriber to one of a handful of subscription TV providers to use most of the app’s features. Supported providers include Bright House Networks, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon FiOS TV.
via Business Insider