[itunes link=”http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mystream/id423918810?mt=8&uo=4″ title=”mystream” text=”MyStream”] is an app for iOS that brings much-needed music sharing abilities to the platform. No longer will you have to split your earphones so your friend can listen in on your music. MyStream allows for simultaneous, wireless sharing between to iOS devices.
For MyStream to work, you and the recipient(s) need to be on the same network/Bluetooth, and their devices will arrive in a list of available streaming devices. Simply put a MyStream playlist together (or let the recipients choose a song from your library), and anyone in the network can connect to it. The listeners will also have the ability to purchase all of the streaming songs via a link to iTunes.
The app’s only major problem is that the listener’s audio lags behind the source audio. The difference is approximately a second, which is certainly not a big deal, but its something to note. Besides this, the interface is very well designed, and possesses an easy to use general UI (despite being ad-supported).
You can download MyStream for free in the App Store for any device running iOS 4.2 or later.
via Lifehacker