OverDrive provides the platform used by most public libraries to loan eBooks to patrons. The company’s platform works with a number of dedicated eBook Readers including the Sony Reader and Barnes & Noble NOOK line, and OverDrive also offers apps for Android, BalckBerry, iOS, and Windows Mobile. Now you can also add Windows Phone 7 to the list.
The folks at OverDrive launched a WP7 app this week, and it might be the most attractive app from the company yet. It offers all the usual features including the ability to manage your book loans and read digital books or listen to audiobooks on your mobile device. You can also change the screen color and adjust font sizes.
But the menus are a lot more attractive, especially the library and recent areas where you can see large thumbnail icons with cover images for each book.
OverDrive for Windows Phone 7 is available as a free download from the Windows Phone Marketplace. You can check out a demo video after the break.
Free download from the “Android” market? :p
Your fingers just get so used to typing that…
Awesome read. Thanks for sharing. Computer Engineering