DC Comics has launched a new Android app which offers access to more than 3,000 digital comic books priced at 99 cents to $2.99 per issue. There are also a limited number of graphic novels available at higher prices. The app is powered by ComiXology, which has offered its own digital comics app for Android since late last year.
The app also allows you to purchase a title once and access it on multiple devices. So if you have the DC Comics app for Android and iOS you can read on your Android smartphone and on your iPad or other device without paying twice.
The app supports Android 2.1 and up and features titles including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and The Flash.
Competitor Marvel Comics offers an iOS app, but doesn’t yet have a branded app for Android. You can, however, access some Marvel titles from the Graphic.ly app for Android.
DC Comics for Android is available as a free download from the Android Market.