Update: Comex has officially released JailbreakMe 3.0. You can use it to jailbreak most recent iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad models in a matter of seconds.

There are tools available to break virtually every device running iOS, from the iPhone and iPod touch to the Apple TV2. But up until recently there was no way to jailbreak an iPad 2 tablet. Now a leaked beta version of JailbreakMe 3.0 is making the rounds and some users are saying they’re able to jailbreak the second generation iPad simply by downloading a PDF file to their device, attempting to open it, and then rebooting their tablets.

Jailbreaking an iOS device allows you to install apps that aren’t available from the iTunes App Store, including tools which make deep changes to the operating system. For instance once you’ve jailbroken a device you can change the behavior of the home screen or notifications, installing custom boot logos — or even running two iPhone apps at once in side-by-side windows.

JailbreakMe 3.0 is the work of Comex, a member of the iPhone Dev Team. That’s the group that’s brought us nearly every jailbreak trick in the book so far.

Comex hasn’t yet released the tool to the public. Instead it looks like it was leaked by a beta tester. It may not work on all devices. For now it only seems to support WiFi models of the iPad, and it may cause some bugs. You’re probably best off waiting for Comex to release the official build. But if you really can’t wait, or just want to see what a jailbroken iPad 2 looks like (It looks like an iPad 2 with an icon for the Cydia Store), you can check out the video below or find download links at the YouTube page.

For now there are plenty of ways to jailbreak an iPhone, iPod touch, original iPad or Apple TV:

via limera1n.cc

Update: It looks like the early release could give Apple time to patch the security flaw that allows this jailbreak before Comex has time to officially launch the new version of JailbreakMe.

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...

16 replies on “Jailbreak for the iPad 2 leaked a bit early”

  1. So much wait! And we get to listen it’s only for the wifi!!!! ….. No worries, i can wait even more for the availability of the 3G version too…… Keep up the good work Comex Dude!! :)

  2. The reason why is has been leaked as a beta early is so that comex get some more time as people get busy with this news for a few days. This is all a deliberate attempt coz he doesn’t want to get us angry for being late and at the same time wants some more time. He is one Smartass!!

  3. Amazing
    We are here judging him for being late with the jailbreak in the meantime he is working his ass off for all us and for free

  4. Comex is a hero! Can’t wait for full release (been checking every day for the past month)

  5. Un fucking believable…..this guy works so hard for free and somone goes and fucks shit up

  6. Thanks to Comex, however, I am afraid this version is the one he made on March, not the one working on right now.

  7. What the leakers do not realize is that by leaking this jailbreak, it gives Apple more information and opportunity to fix the “bug”.  If people would just cool off and be patient it would be best for everyone in the long run. 

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