Virtualization software makers VMware have launched a technical preview of VMware View for Google Android. The app lets you login to a virtual Windows desktop from a tablet running Google Android 2.2 and up.
This isn’t the first time VMware has launched a mobile version of the app. An iPad version has been available since March. But the Android version has a few tweaks including a modified version of the Google Android keyboard with support for Cltr+Alt+Del and other functions you wouldn’t normally need when navigating the Android operating system.
There’s a virtual touchpad that can float on the screen, allowing you to move an on-screen cursor. VMware View also offers a series of gestures allowing you to interact with the Windows environment using on-screen gestures without the touchpad.
While the VMware View app is available as a free download, you’ll need VMware View 4.6 or later running on a server in order to use the mobile app. That software is meant for corporate environments and doesn’t come cheap.
For a more consumer-oriented remote desktop app you might want to check out TeamViewer or LogMeIn Ignition for Android.