Apple has announced that MobileMe users who are migrating to the new iCloud service will retain the extra storage space they’ve already paid for. For the most part iCloud will replace MobileMe and offer additional features such as the ability to sync music and apps between your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad and the cloud.
The free iCloud service offers user 5GB of storage, while the standard MobileMe package included 20GB of storage and cost $100 per year. Apple is offering MobileMe users 25GB of storage for one year at no additional charge.
Apple’s new service will let you wirelessly sync all of your data to a secure cloud and perform automatic daily backups from your devices.
You can use the 25GB (or 5GB) to store your documents, email, and other data. Music and videos purchased from iTunes don’t count against your storage limit.
All of this goes into effect immediately and will end on June 30, 2012 when the MobileMe service is discontinued. You’ll be able to renew the 25GB plan for $40, or you can upgrade your account immediately to 75GB worth of storage for $50.
via 9 to 5 Mac