Aldiko Sync

One of the coolest features you get with an Amazon Kindle is Whispersync. You can start reading a book on an Kindle eReader and pick up right where you left off by firing up the Kindle app on your iPad, Android phone, BlackBerry, or other device. That’s because Amazon stores your data on a remote server and can keep your book list, bookmarks, and last read pages synchronized.

But what if you want to read a book that’s not available for Kindle? If you have an Android phone or tablet you can use a new free app called Aldiko Sync.

As the name suggests, Aldiko Sync is meant to work with the Aldiko eBook reader. You’ll also need a rooted phone and/or tablet, and a Dropbox account.

In other words, this solution isn’t going to work for everyone. But if you meet the requirements, here’ show it works. You install Aldiko on your phone, tablet, or other devices. Then you install the Aldiko Sync app and it will copy your books and bookmarks between devices. You can also use it to synchronize your position in books so you can pick up reading where you left off no matter which device you’re using.

The Aldiko Sync app comes in Free and Pro versions. The Pro version costs 99 cents and offers automatic synchronization and the ability to work with external apps such as Tasker for automated jobs.

Brad Linder

Brad Linder is editor of Liliputing and Mobiputing. He's been tinkering with mobile tech for decades and writing about it since...