Android developer Koushik Dutta has proposed the creation of a CyanogenMod App Store. It would sort of be like Cydia for Android: a place where users can download apps for rooted Android devices or apps that simply aren’t allowed in the Google Android Market for one reason or another.
Google’s official app store isn’t nearly as restrictive as Apple’s, but apps are regularly pulled from the Android Market for violating Google’s rules – or for running afoul of wireless carriers.
For instance, there are very few video game console emulators left in the Android Market. And Koushik Dutta’s own app for tethering an Android phone to a computer to share a wireless internet connection was recently pulled at AT&T’s request.
While the app store would be named for the popular CyanogenMod open-source Android operating system, it would be available for any custom ROM developers to include in their software. The idea is that it would provide a place for developers to upload free and paid apps which aren’t available in the Android Market — and with over a million active CyangoenMod users, those developers would have a pretty large potential customer base on day one
The app store isn’t a done deal yet, but Koush has already posted a picture of the upload page he’s working on to his Google+ page.
He should have apps go through a process to make sure it isn’t malware.
Because only an idiot would want that flooding their market.
Now let’s see if Google will let it be in Market…lol!