Apple added limited support for multitasking to its mobile devices way back with the launch of iOS 4.0. But if you’re not a fan of switching between apps by opening a dock and swiping between icons, there’s another way.
CardSwitcher is an app for jailbroken iOS devices that lets you view actual previews of currently running apps. Instead of looking at icons representing games, apps, and web pages, you can actually see each running app.
Up until recently CardSwitcher only supported iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad models running iOS 4. But the developer recently updated the app to version 2.0 and added support for iOS 4.
If the CardSwitcher 2.0 user interface looks familiar, that’s because it’s very much like the multitasking system used for webOS devices. You can even close apps the same way – by flicking them off the screen.
But CardSwitcher also offers an Apple Exposé-like view where you can see smaller live previews of all your apps on one screen.
CardSwitcher 2.0 is available from the Cydia Store for $1.99.
via Cult of Mac