The folks behind the Humble Bundle offer a pack of games that you can buy for just about any price you like. The second bundle just went live, and it includes 4 games that are new to Android. If you pay more than the average price you’ll also get a 5th game.

Aside from the pay-what-you-like pricing, there are a few other features that make the Humble Bundle pretty cool.
- All of the games are also available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- If you pay more than $1.00 you can also download the games from Steam.
- Part of the proceeds go to charity — and you get to decide how much.
For instance, say you decide to pay $6 for the games. You can decide to give $4 to the developers, $1 to the Child’s Play Charity or Electronic Frontier Foundation, and $1 to the Humble Bundle team.
The deal includes these games:
- Avadon: The Black Fortress – 3D RPG
- Canabalt – running game with two-player mode
- Cogs – 3D sliding puzzle game
- Zen Bound 2 – 3D puzzle game
- Swords & Soldiers – 2D hack & slash game
The latest Humble Bundle will be available for two weeks.