Google Analytics is one of the most popular free services web publishers use to find out about visitors to their websites. The web-based service can tell you how many visitors and page views you have, what websites referred people to your page, what part of the globe they’re in, and much, much more.
For a long time the only way to use Google Analytics on a mobile device had been to open a mobile web browser. But now Google has released an official Google Analytics app for Android.
It’s available as a free download from the Play Store.
Google Analytics for Android doesn’t offer all the features of the desktop web app. But it does allow you to view stats for any Analytics page linked to your account, view real-time visitor data, see charts plotting visitors over time, and alerts.
You can switch between views by swiping left or right, and you can tap on alerts for more details or tap on charts in the Dashboard to adjust settings. For instance you can change the time period, date range, metric (visitors, visit duration, goals, AdWords, etc), or other settings.
Overall Google Analytics is a pretty nifty app for checking your stats on the go, although it’s not quite a replacement for the full web app.
via Android Police